Getting Started

The fastest way to get started with Bappa is to use our template generator tool called bappacreate. This tool sets up a complete project structure with all necessary files and dependencies based on predefined templates.


  • Go (version 1.18 or higher)
  • Basic familiarity with terminal/command line

Installation Options

go install

Option 2: Install from source

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd bappacreate

# Build and install the binary
go install

Verifying Installation

After installing with go install, make sure the Go bin directory is in your PATH:

  1. Find your Go binary path:

    go env GOPATH
  2. Add the Go bin directory to your PATH:

    For bash (add to ~/.bashrc):

    export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"

    For zsh (add to ~/.zshrc):

    export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"

    Then reload your shell configuration:

    source ~/.bashrc   # For bash
    source ~/.zshrc    # For zsh
  3. Verify the installation:

    bappacreate --help

    You should see the usage information and available templates.

Creating Your First Bappa Game

Now that you have bappacreate installed, you can create your first game project in seconds.

Basic Usage

The basic syntax for creating a new game is:

bappacreate username/project-name [--template <template-name>]

The username/ prefix is important as it will be used to create the proper Go module path (

Available Templates

Bappa offers several pre-built templates to jumpstart your game development:

topdownA top-down perspective game (default)
topdown-splitA top-down game with split-screen co-op support
platformerA simple platformer game
platformer-splitA platformer game with split-screen co-op support
platformer-ldtkA platformer using LDtk level editor integration
platformer-split-ldtkA platformer with split-screen and LDtk integration
sandboxAn open sandbox game environment

Template Features

Each template comes with different features and setups:

  • Topdown Template: Includes a player character, 8-directional movement, camera following, physics, collision resolution, and vertical sort rendering
  • Platformer Template: Includes player movement, physics, collision detection, one-way platforms, and slope support
  • LDtk Platformer Templates: Include integration with the LDtk level editor for easy level design and importing
  • Split-Screen Templates: Add multiplayer functionality with split-screen support for two or more players
  • Sandbox Template: Provides an minimal environment for maximum creative freedom

All templates come with well-commented code to help you understand how the Bappa game engine works!

Example: Creating a Top-down Game

Let’s create a simple top-down game:

bappacreate johndoe/my-adventure-game

This will create a new folder called my-adventure-game in your current directory, with all the files and dependencies you need to start developing.

Example: Creating a Platformer with Split-screen

If you want to create a platformer game with split-screen co-op support:

bappacreate johndoe/my-platformer --template platformer-split

Example: Creating a Platformer with LDtk Integration

To create a platformer that uses the LDtk level editor:

bappacreate johndoe/my-ldtk-game --template platformer-ldtk

Project Structure

When you create a new project with bappacreate, you’ll get a directory structure like this:

├── assets/
│   ├── images/      # Store your game graphics here
│   └── sounds/      # Store your game audio here
├── actions/         # Input action definitions
├── animations/      # Sprite animation configurations
├── clientsystems/   # Systems that run on the client side
├── components/      # Custom ECS component definitions
├── coresystems/     # Core game logic systems
├── rendersystems/   # Systems for rendering game elements
├── scenes/          # Scene definitions and layouts
├── sounds/          # Sound effect configurations
├── go.mod           # Go module file with dependencies
├── go.sum           # Lock file for dependencies
├── main.go          # Main game entry point
└──        # Documentation for your project

Running Your Game

After creating your project, you can run it right away:

cd my-adventure-game
go mod tidy         # Ensures all dependencies are properly resolved
go run .            # Runs the game

Your game window should open, and you can start playing with the default controls (described in project readme).

Preview Templates in Action

Before picking a template, you can preview them here!

Next Steps

Now that you have your game project set up, here are some next steps to consider:

  1. Explore the code: Take some time to understand the structure and components of the game template - the code is extensively commented to help you learn
  2. Modify the assets: Replace the default images and sounds with your own
  3. Customize game mechanics: Adjust player movement, physics, or add new features
  4. Add game objects: Create enemies, collectibles, or interactive elements
  5. Design levels: Create new maps or scenes for your game
  6. Learn from examples — Use our example projects for common implementations and patterns