The Client

At the heart of every Bappa game is the Client object, which serves as the central coordination point for your game. The client manages the game loop, handles input, organizes scenes, controls cameras, and coordinates rendering.

Creating a Client

To start a new Bappa project, you’ll first need to create a client instance:

package main

import (


//go:embed assets/*
var embeddedFS embed.FS

func main() {
 // Create a new client with base resolution 640x360 and cache for 10 scenes
 client := coldbrew.NewClient(640, 360, 10, embeddedFS)

 // Configure your client
 client.SetTitle("My Awesome Game")
 client.SetWindowSize(1280, 720)

 // Start the game
 if err := client.Start(); err != nil {

This minimal setup creates a working window, but a game needs scenes and systems to do anything interesting.

Understanding the Client

The client in Bappa serves several key purposes:

  1. Game Loop Management: Handles the update-render cycle that powers your game
  2. Scene Coordination: Manages scene transitions, loading, and activation
  3. Input Processing: Captures and processes user input from various devices
  4. Camera Management: Controls viewport positioning and rendering
  5. Configuration: Provides settings for window size, resolution, etc.

Client Configuration

You can customize your game’s appearance and behavior through the client’s configuration methods:

// Window title
client.SetTitle("My Awesome Game")

// Window dimensions
client.SetWindowSize(1280, 720)

// Internal resolution (affects rendering quality and performance)
client.SetResolution(640, 360)

// Allow window resizing

// Toggle fullscreen mode

// Set game speed (ticks per second)

// Set debug visualization key

// Configure scene transition times
client.SetMinimumLoadTime(30) // frames to show loading screen

Client Systems

The client orchestrates different types of systems that power your game:

  1. Global Render Systems: Handle rendering across all scenes
  2. Global Client Systems: Process input and state that spans multiple scenes
  3. Scene Render Systems: Handle rendering specific to a scene
  4. Scene Client Systems: Process logic specific to a scene
  5. Core Systems: Handle game simulation (physics, AI, etc.)

You register these systems with the client to create your game’s behavior:

// Register global rendering system

// Register systems that run before core simulation

Cameras and Viewports

Cameras in Bappa define what part of your game world is visible to the player. The client manages these cameras:

// Activate a camera
camera, err := client.ActivateCamera()
if err != nil {
    // Handle error

// Set camera dimensions and position
camera.SetDimensions(640, 360)
screenPos, worldPos := camera.Positions()
screenPos.X = 0
screenPos.Y = 0
worldPos.X = 100
worldPos.Y = 50

Multiple active cameras enable split-screen gameplay, mini-maps, or UI overlays, all managed through the client.

Input Management

Bappa uses a receiver-based input system where physical inputs (keys, buttons) are mapped to game-specific actions:

// Get an input receiver for a player
receiver, err := client.ActivateReceiver()
if err != nil {
    // Handle error

// Map keys to game actions
receiver.RegisterKey(ebiten.KeyW, myGameInputs.Jump)
receiver.RegisterKey(ebiten.KeyUp, myGameInputs.Jump)
receiver.RegisterKey(ebiten.KeySpace, myGameInputs.Attack)

// Map mouse buttons
receiver.RegisterMouseButton(ebiten.MouseButtonLeft, myGameInputs.Shoot)

// Map gamepad buttons
receiver.RegisterPad(0) // Use gamepad ID 0
receiver.RegisterGamepadButton(ebiten.GamepadButton0, myGameInputs.Jump)

This abstraction layer allows your core game logic to work with meaningful game actions rather than device-specific inputs.

In the next section, we’ll explore how to create scenes, entities, and components to build the actual content and behavior of your game.